The Rissington Podcast

Gardeners Question time for the web



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Episode Nineteen - Xmas Special | 21/12/2008

Download Episode 19 (mp3) or listen right here:

We wish you a merry festive period and a satisfactorily refreshing New Year.

Can you spot all 3 subtle earworms in this podcast?


Linky-poos by John Oxton, not Simon Clayson but please email Simon if there is any missing links.

User experience design links

A few regular spots John Oxton visits for UX info:

Finally, the Nielsen Norman Group Report on Agile Usability: Best Practices for User Experience on Agile Development Projects is a whopping $84 for the PDF but if you are a designer inside an Agile Development team and you are struggling with the whole thing, I thoroughly recommend it for you and your colleagues.

Tally ho and chocks away!


RE the Events Calendar topic.

Like the new version of TXP, ExpressionEngine features entry and expiry dates. :) On recent projects where we’ve needed an events calendar we’ve looked at niche solutions such as ‘Easy PHP Calendar’ though.

I’ve also seen a few PHP scripts which allow you to pull events from gCal and display them in whatever format you wish within your own page templates. :)

Nathan Pitman 705 days ago

There’s an old Textpatten plugin, mdp_calendar, that still works rather well for outputting a proper calendar.

Jerry 704 days ago

Re: Photoblog CMS

As one of these photoblogger type chaps, I’ve been using one of the most common dedicated photoblogging packages: Pixelpost. It does quite a reasonable job, is easily customizable and has a fairly large user base to draw upon for both pre-made templates, plug-ins and help when things (inevitably) don’t quite work as easily as they should.

As you both said in the podcast, a lot of the others can do it—there’s a handful of people who seem to use Wordpress for their photoblogs, but they are almost uniformly (a) identical and (b) less than refined on the design side (read as a bit clunky and ugly).

(There are also a handful of sites for hosting photoblogs—other than Flickr—if one is so inclined.)

Jim Bridges 703 days ago

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