Episode Fifteen | 04/07/2008
Download Episode 15 (mp3) or listen right here:
The one where we meet “The One They Call Fido Gesiwuj”
Link Poos
- Comics we read: Eagle.
- Domain registars mentioned: 123 Reg
- The Star Wars Lego walkthrough
- The brilliant Alarm will sound covering the Aphex Twin
- Our Last.FM accounts: Hicksdesign
- John endorses Taylors
- Mutiny over the Bounty by John Shuttleworth, grieving for the loss of the cardboard tray in the Bounty Bar.
Tally ho and chocks away!
Bad news for cheese lovers. Rotting cheese recycled in Italian food scam: http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5hPy2U3BWsfavX1Bf56kUCYg839vw
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On the subject of the word “Merican”… This is generally a sign of speaking tongue in cheek about our perceived endemic of ignorance (see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush). I’d be willing to wager the implication was more that he lacked the capacity to enjoy something foreign than his standards where too high. The intent of irony is considerably more clear when properly punctuated ‘merican. Love the show. Don’t go changin’.
Ryan Parsley 793 days ago