Episode Fourteen | 17/06/2008
Download Episode 14 (mp3) or listen right here:
Comin’ atch from the ‘wolds!
This episodes Linky Poos
Not many linkys this week – there more abstract concepts than usual.
- asv_tumblog plugin for Textpattern
- Chryp, the lightweight blogging engine.
- We use Levelator and put together in Garageband.
- Stinking Bishop cheese. Smells like arse, tastes lovely
Tally ho and chocks away!
The location of the server is actually something Google factors in for ranking sites. It’s more important for generic domains such as .com-s since Google will determine the country of origin by server location in that case (if you for example don’t specific otherview, like in the Webmaster Tools). If it’s a co.uk or any other country domain then the server location is less important. Basically, if you are targeting only a specific country, do get a local server and country TLD.
Nice podcast guys. Cheers from Croatia. :)
As Ivan says, server location is a factor. (Or rather the location of the IP block.) At a certain company I used to work for (ahem) a tremendous amount of effort went in to making, for example, UK-specific sites appear to be hosted in the UK even if they’re hosted centrally in the US.
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Delightful podcast, as per usual.
One note – ‘Chryp’, I spy a typo!
Dave Nichols 797 days ago